Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Great News for Welsh Sport

After the disappointments of last Tuesday night and Sunday morning its nice for Welsh sport to have some good news. This evening Wrexham FC and the Wrexham Supporters Trust released a joint statement announcing the imminent sale of the club to the supporters.

"Wrexham Football Club and Wrexham Supporters Trust are pleased to announce that the sale and purchase agreement (SPA) has largely been agreed in principle, subject to clarification of a small number of points, completion of due diligence and approval by the football authorities.*

 After years of turmoil, willful mismanagement and shady dealers it appears that from this Friday the club will be in the safe and capable hands of the fans. The struggle of the fans to secure the future of their club has been bewildering to follow. These are the very same fans who at the drop of hat raised £100,000 in seven hours to pay the league bond. Every group of fans claim to be the best in the world, but for the Wrexham fans this is no empty boast and they have a legitimate claim to that title. Even if you do't have any interest in sport Wrexham FC is intrinsic to the communities of North Wales and everyone who has the best interests of our comunities at heart must rejoice at this news. So congratulations to everyone who helped get the club back to the fans. It is a commendable bonus that North Wales is part of the cutting edge of sports management. As the wealthy benefactor model is so obviously unsustainable, fan ownership is becoming the ideal model for the running of professional sports teams. 
Whilst its wonderful just to retain such a magnificent institution lets hope this leads on to Wrexham enjoying many more glorious occasions like that famed winter evening pictured above.

WFC and WST Joint Statement

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